Historical Fiction

Sofia Bresciani

   This was probably the third or fourth time Jeff had taken us to the San Diego Museum of Art in Balboa park. I’m surprised they let him back because he is always adding to the guides lesson and that usually makes them really mad at him, but can you blame him? He loves art. The only part of the museum that ever changes is the downstairs. The upstairs has been the same for ages and I’ve been going to the museum since I was really young, so I’ve seen it all. Today, however, we were here to see Lois Mailou Jones’ exhibit, one I’d never seen before. She was supposed to have been an influential character in the acceptance of African American women into the art world and was famous for changing the art scene in the United States . Jeff hustles into the museum and we follow behind him putting our back packs down behind the front desk and making our way to the new exhibit. Our guide was a short little lady and she seemed like she was angry about something, but most guides seem that way. We shuffled along following her into the first room of the exhibit. She walked up to the first painting hanging on a wall filled with abstract scenes of African life .

“This painting is one of Jones’ more famous works. During this period of her life she really was trying to show more of her culture through the painting. It was done in 1977 with acrylic and collage on canvas, titled ‘La Baker’. Jones was known for mixing her culture and her work witch made her art passionate. Now what message do you think she was trying to get across?”.

We all just stood there looking at this lady thinking “Is the art only about the facts?”. That’s when Jeff hopped in, realizing that the guides were losing us.

“Look at the colors in the background. See how the green, orange, and pink compliment the dancing ladies and add to the pattern done at the bottom. Her not adding a lot of detail to the figures helps you focus on the shaping of the bodies and the way they were stretched and in motion. The work done on the head dresses makes you believe this might have been a scene of importance or celebration. What does this make you feel? Do you want to dance or sit down? What do you think Lois was trying to show us here? ” Jeff said as he made gestures that went along with his words. “Do you think the colors were chosen for a reason and the placement of the women had a purpose or was it a realistic representation?”.

Jeff was known for becoming really passionate about paintings so we were actually interested when he would speak to us we probably spent ten minutes talking about this one painting and the guide motioned for us to continue on to the next one I walked closer and closer to the painting as the rest of the group walked on to the next one.

The way the dancers were spread out made you think that you was at a festival. All of the paintings that were hanging on the walls were full of bright yellows and greens they all had something to do with african culture and a heritage which I was unfamiliar to but I understood it was an important part of this artist’s life. But this one painting stood out from the rest. The biggest dancer’s eye was painted as if she was looking directly at me, I wonder if that was done on purpose. I kept moving my head trying to tell if it was actually following me or if it was just painted really well. I look up from the painting realizing that the group had moved on, but out of the corner of my eye I saw the painting moved! The dancer winked at me! I think the dancer in the painting just winked at me! Is that even possible!? I leaned even closer, there was no way that just happened. Paintings can't move! What the hell?! There is no way that just happened... I walked away from the painting frazzled. I wonder what I must have eaten, I felt fine. The group had moved onto her painting of three little boys, I walked up to Tyler.

“Dude did you notice anything weird about the last painting?”

“No, they’re so cool I like how bright they are.” he responded, looking a bit confused.

“Really? I think I saw something weird on the last painting... I think it might have... moved.”

“What the hell did you take?” he said looking at me with wide eyes.

“Nothing! I swear! Maybe I’m just seeing things, literally. “

“Alright... You sure you're okay though?”

“Yeah I’m totally fine.”

Jeff had already started talking about the painting describing her work. “You see how the children are standing there holding the jugs on their heads looking at you in almost an angry fashion? The background on this painting is more squared off and the colors have an earthy feel to them with the browns yellows, and greens. What about them make them stand out, how do the colors on the background go along with what she was trying to show us?”

“I think that she was just painting the scene around her and how the people in Africa were and how they went on about their daily lives. The kids look like they’re skinny and are not wearing a lot of clothing.” Tyler said to Jeff.

They all agreed and walked onto the next painting. I sat down on the couch that they place in front of all the paintings. I focused on one that caught my attention. Something about this painting looked so much like the other one... I wonder if it would… hey, wait! Did that kid just jump? What is going on? The paintings can’t be moving! I looked at it and the kids started to giggle and jump up and down motioning for me to be quiet. I got up and ran over to the group, grabbing Tyler by his arm.

“Tyler you have to look at this!”

“What? Look at what?

“The painting! It’s moving again you have to see it!” I pleaded, dragging Tyler to the last painting.

“I dont see anything Sofia... What part exactly is moving, because I don't think any of it is?”

“The boys were jumping around and laughing I swear you have to believe me!”

“Nothing is happening... Are sure you didn't take anything...”

“Its okay, maybe I did, but still there is no way that’s even possible... but I know I'm seeing something happen.”

“Well tell me if it happens again...” Tyler said, walking back to the group.

“Okay, I will….” I said, giving up. I just wish that someone else could see the painting move. I know it’s happening and that I’m not crazy...or am I? The guide stood in front of the next painting so I walked back over to the group. She began to speak about the piece.

“This next piece is called Two African Hairstyles, 1982, it was done with Acrylic on canvas. If you look at the detailing done on the girl you can see that the hairstyles were represented on two different kinds of characters one an actual human and the other has a more statue like feel to it with the white as the skin tone and hair color. You can see a more traditional african style here with the patterns done in the background.”

“Why did she focus so much of her work around African culture?” Gavin asked.

Jeff, cutting off the guide from continuing her rambling, said “Jones’ most influential time during her career was during and after her trip to Africa because that is when she was able to connect her culture and heritage to her work. So, almost all of the painting were done with a focus on African culture. Her art helped show that African American artist were just as good as white artist during a time while there were many stigmas about African Americans.”

“Well actually there is this rumor,” The guide said, jumping back in, “that during her travels to Africa, Jones was introduced to the leader of the tribe Samburu, who was said to have magical powers and he asked of her to make him a painting so that he could have it for himself and that he would bless her so that the rest of her paintings would have a magic to them so that when someone would look at her paintings, they would come to life before their eyes, as long as she agreed to portray her culture in the way that her people would want to be portrayed. Jones never admitted to whether or not this was true, but many believe it was to keep a mysterious factor to her work.”

I looked directly at Tyler, my eyes wide and thinking “That must be happening to me!” He looked back, kind of understanding where I might be coming from.

“Did you hear that! That is totally happening to me!” I whispered to Tyler.

“Yeah that would explain what you’ve been saying.”

    “Sofia shhhhh!” Jeff said to me motioning for me to come stand by him.

I walked over to him, still in shock from what I just heard.

“Hey I think the girl in the painting just smiled did you see that?”

Jeff whispered to me pointing at the painting as the girl smiled back from the painting.