Historical Fiction-Robin Williams

Victoria Berardi

"There's seating near the front, the concert begins at 5," he said. "There will be Mozart, Elvis and one of your choosing." He added, "Or just nice if Heaven exists, to know there's laughter. Just to hear God go, 'Two Jews walk into a bar..." ) -Robin Williams (ABC News)

“Woah. Where am I?” Robin turned to see two huge gates made of gold and brass before him. Before he had time to put it all together, a bright light suddenly blinded Williams, forcing him to turn away with closed eyes. Moments later the bright light disappeared. He turned to see a figure standing before him.

“Holy mother of- God, is that you?”

“Hello Robin, we have been expecting you.”

Robin tilted his head and raised his eyebrows.“Expecting? No, uh I’m not sure I was ready for this, God. I didn’t want to leave just yet.”

God chuckled to himself before he threw his hands up and exclaimed, “Well you know what they say”, death is nature’s way of saying, your table’s ready.”

Robin crossed his arms across his chest and yelled,“Hey! That’s my line!”

God replied with a smile and a hand gesture, announcing, “Come this way, there are some people waiting to see you.”

Robin put his hands to his hip.“What people?”

With a bit of a smirk, God exclaimed, “Well, not Mozart or Elvis... but I think you will like these people too.”

They walked together through the pearly gates. The two began to climb a small hill, with Robin taking in the surrounding view. Clouds were piled high around them, like large, soft pillows. They weren’t alone. Thousands hovered below him, faces bright and gleaming with joy. As Robin got close to the top, he began to make out a large shape that sat upon the top of the hill. He made it to the top and looked up to see the most beautifully sculpted, celestial building he had ever seen. Inside the set of double doors, the ceiling was a mass collection of a stars and a red carpet had been laid out which led to a second set of double doors. God gestured to the door and in a very soft voice told Robin, “Here we are. Good luck.” With that he turned and walked back outside. Robin’s eyes followed him out the door until there was nothing else to follow. He turned his gaze back to the double doors in front of him and took a big breath. He gripped the cold knob with a shaking hand and pushed open the door.

A booming voices called out,  “Please welcome to the Big Room making his heavenly debut, Robin Williams!” A huge ovation came over the crowd and it felt like it could go on forever. The auditorium was jam packed with past comedians, presidents, celebrities, and important figures. He shielded his eyes with his hand, as a spotlight found Robin in the back of the room. A huge smile came across his face and he forgot the fear that overwhelmed him moments ago as his stage persona took hold. He began to run towards the stage striking as many poses as he could come up with. Heart pounding and breathing heavy, he looked out at the enormous crowds before him, as he made his way up the steps of the stage.

Shouting to the crowd before him he exclaimed, “Oh my! Please, everyone, stop hovering and take your seats. Man, this is amazing! It’s like Woodstock with wings!” He turned, “Toto, I don’t think we are in Kansas anymore!” The crowd was hooked! and so was Robin. He continued, “This is crazy! All you people with your halos, and your wing thingies. Who is that sitting up in the balcony? President Abraham Lincoln? Well I’ll be.. Abe! Hey, Abe, wanna know how Our American Cousin ends?” Lincoln and everyone else in the room doubled over laughing.

Robin made his way down the stairs and through the crowd of people, smiling and shaking hands with John Belushi, Gilda Radner, and George Carlin. A hand is placed on Williams shoulder and a Maude Frickert voice exclaimed, “Guess who baby boy?” Robin’s eyes lit up as he tilted his head to the side. He questioned, “Maude?” He turned and embraced Jonathan Winters.

“Oh Jonathan, you really are the first person I wanted to see. I have missed you so much.”

“It is good to see you too Mork” They exchanged laughs. “Come! Take a seat with your old pal.” Jonathan gestured to a couple of seats in the back of the auditorium.

They sat in chairs opposite of each other. The chairs were tall and black, like directors chairs. Robin climbs up and throws his hands back, resting them behind his head. Jonathan sat down and leaned over, putting his hand on Robins knee.

“So man.. You decided to kill yourself ?”

“You were manic depressive!”

Jonathan laughed. “At least I didn’t go and kill myself over it! Besides, weren't we all?” They both had uncontrollable laughter. Jonathan continued, “Besides, as I told the reporter, I needed that pain — whatever it was — to call upon it from time to time, no matter how bad it was.”

Robin appeared shocked. “You were a wealth of creativity! You didn’t need to draw from pain. When I first saw you with Jack Paar on “The Tonight Show”, my dad and I lost it. You were amazing!”

Jonathan laughed and replied, “That was a great one. But-”

Robin cut him off and continued on in a southern accent, “Hey, Who are you?”

“Why sir, I’m a great white hunter,” Jonathan exclaimed in a drained, southern voice. “I hunt mainly squirrels.”

Robin sat up straight and inquired,“How do you do that?”

“I aim for- Robin you are missing the point of this talk. You-”

Robin cut him off once more and said,“Hey Winters, A man walks into a doctors office and tells the doctor he’s depressed. Doctor says, I know what to do. Robin Williams has got a show tonight. Go and see it. The man looks at the doctor and says, I can not! I am Ro-”

“Now where have I heard that one before? Oh wait, EVERYWHERE. Robin, Focus! We all get depressed. I didn’t go kill myself over it though, now did I?”

“Ha! True I knew you were frail Maude, but I figured you would last longer.”


Robin looked down. “Alright, Alright! I’m not sure myself what went wrong. I had three beautiful children, and a wife who loved me. And I loved them... But I had just been diagnosed with early stages of Parkinson's. It felt like an added burden to my life. I was sober, so I struggled with depression, anxiety, and the newfound disease head on. I was taking a boat load of medications. I just.. I don’t know what went wrong!”

“Things just got real bad, real fast, didn’t they?”

“I just don’t know what to do...”

“Robin, you must come to terms with the idea that heaven is your new home. Look around! Everyone here would love to watch you perform!”

“Well Pops, maybe I don’t want to be here just yet!”

“You already kicked the bucket Robin! It’s too late!”

“Why I oughta-”

“Robin?” A voice is heard directly behind Robin’s chair. He turned to come face to face with the one and only, Robert Fitzgerald Williams.

“Dad?” Robin stood and wrapped his arms around his father, squeezing him tight.

“Hello, son. It is good to see you.”

“I don’t feel like I should be here. What about Zelda, Zackery, and Cody?”

“They will get through it Robin. You must come to terms with your death.”

Jonathan stood and put his hand on Robin’s shoulder and said,

“We had a good run together didn’t we friend?”

“Yeah, we definitely did.”

Robin Williams smiled. He wrapped his arms around the shoulders of Jonathan and his father and said, “Come friends, the show must go on!”