Processing Physics


Zachary Geier

This is my mini project challenge. I worked on this project for about a week. This project was hard because I couldn't get my stick figure to apear (and sadly I never did). I would make this project better by finishing it, which would have a character that gets hit by the ball and falls over.

Kazuha's Mini-Challenge Project

Kazuha Okamoto

For this challenge, I created an apple tree that drops apples once  u click a number of times. You press space to reset and when the apples fall they accelerate. This took about a week because I had to figure out how to apply gravity on the apples. I also had a different code that took up most of my time, that in the end didn't look right. I could've made the apples appear randomly and made the exploded apple more spread out. 

Gravity ball

Samantha Harmer

This project took me like two weeks, because it used stuff in coding that I didnt know how to use, but I used Khan Academy to help me. My project uses gravity and when either Q or R is pressed the balls relocates to a different place on the canvas.

Click And Press Character

Ansoni Aguilar

Click mouse 1 and press any keys to interact with the program.
This took me about a week to work on, I could make this program better by making it organized and adding different/Unique shapes other than just ellipses. The program changes colors.

Goal project

Fernando Rivera

I took 5 days on this to make because i had to make borders at the goal.I also had to add gravity to make the ball bounce.

*Press mouse to move the ball.

Click'n'Key Character

Autrina Maroufi

 Click'n'Key Character


Ansoni Aguilar

Catapult hits the ball and luanches it across the screen making it bounce around. This took me about a week to get to the stage that it is at now, yes that means it is incomplete. To make this program better I can actually finish the program. (update coming soon)

Tank Game

Sean Schoepflin

Move with left and right arrow keys. 


Elyse Waterhouse

My project is a soccer game. If you move the arrow keys you will score.


This project took about 5 days and was dificult in the fact that both the scale and amount of things learned was vastly increased compared to the last assignment. the general ideas and concepts were easy to complete but the small details and brand new functions used like images were very difficult. If I had more time or understood the material better at the time I would have made better character postioning and an overalll smoother program.